Pacific Salmon Enhancement Engagement

We are modernizing our enhancement program. As part of this, we are seeking views on how to share information so that Canadians have a better understanding of hatcheries, spawning channels, and the decision-making processes that support the use of these tools.

You can join the conversation in two ways: take our quick survey below or join a virtual session to learn about the Pacific Salmon Enhancement Policy Framework and give us your thoughts on the type of information you’d like to learn about.

We are modernizing our enhancement program. As part of this, we are seeking views on how to share information so that Canadians have a better understanding of hatcheries, spawning channels, and the decision-making processes that support the use of these tools.

You can join the conversation in two ways: take our quick survey below or join a virtual session to learn about the Pacific Salmon Enhancement Policy Framework and give us your thoughts on the type of information you’d like to learn about.